Mission Statement
The Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County strives to build community through sharing and preserving Jewish history, heritage, and culture. We tell the story of the human experience through Jewish eyes.
The Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County is a tax deductible 501(c)(3) organization
The primary purpose of the Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield
County (JHSFC) is to be a resource for educating, discovering,
explaining, preserving, and generating interest in Jewish heritage
and history within our community, the greater area and around
the world. We strive to partner with local organizations to amplify
our efforts in telling these stories to a broader audience.
Founded in 1983, the Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County serves communities in Fairfield County
which share a common Jewish heritage, making us part of an extended family. The JHS is the largest secular
Jewish organization in the area reaching out to Jewish organizations to provide engaging educational
programming on a wide range of historical topics. We maintain the only Jewish Archive in Fairfield County;
an unparalleled resource for students, researchers, and organizations. The Oral History and Veterans Project records personal histories. JHSFC also maintains the Harry Rosenbaum
JHSFC Judaica Library with over 3,000 volumes, reference materials and an extensive Holocaust collection.
About The Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County
Historical Timeline