Archive is open to the public: Tuesday 10AM to 2PM and by appointment.

A Slice of American Jewish Life:
Fairfield County, 1654-1986

A Traveling Exhibit

The traveling exhibit entitled "A Slice of American Jewish Life: Fairfield County, 1654-1986" has been displayed at the Stamford JCC, the Stamford Government Center, Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center for Judaic Studies at Fairfield University, Norwalk Community College Library, Bi-Cultural Day School, Greenwich Historical Society, and many local synagogues.


Set in the context of a timeline of national events, this exhibit reflecting Jewish life in America tells the story of a proud community that grew from a scattered few to a thriving many. More than 200 years after the first Jewish settlement in New Amsterdam the Jewish community finally formed a congregation in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Yet, the transient presence of the first Jews slowly changed to set roots and grow strong in Fairfield County. Meet some early Jewish settlers, community founders and some Fairfield County's "first" illustrated in the exhibit.

Silent Photo Presentation

JHSFC Exhibits
